Inspired by British mountain bike movies like "A Slice of British Pie", "Tea and Biscuits" and 50to01 vids, we set out to make a mountain bike movie in our town Bellingham, Washington. The key difference being that we wanted to avoid filming only "pro" riders and instead wanted to capture a diverse range of skill levels. The winter of 2021/22 was especially wet in Bellingham with the "atmospheric river" bringing in especially foul conditions. Most self respecting mountain bikers would have hung up their helmet for the season but many of our local river rats continued on with their trail building and riding. Despite mud, grit, snow, hail and torrential rain our local riders were still out there. Capturing these creatures in their natural habitat was our goal.
Filmed (mostly) and edited by me, with a ton of help second shooting from the homies. Produced by Eric Olsen (all the behind the scenes and people wrangling).
After building the hype for months during production, we held a premiere to release the film. Having been to tons of film premiere events, this one was different.. there was an energy and excitement for the movie that I'd never felt before.
It was received far better than I ever could have imagined. Folks were laughing start to finish as they watched their friends make a fool of themselves on screen. That's what made it special, it wasn't about being the best, fastest, coolest bikers around; it was about having fun with your friends.
Here's an article about the event, thanks to Andy Ford.

The trailer, with music from Cory Henry. Music always comes first with anything I edit; good music is make or break.